
Almost Everything is Boinga Here

From "Mission To Mars"

Almost Everything is Boinga
Boinga’s a word we don’t understand
Well, words are different in martian land
Well, we don’t know your language yet
Maybe you can teach us?
Sure, you bet!
Almost everything is boinga here, just in case you hadn't heard
Almost everything is boinga here, it's the Martians' favorite word!
Do you call these hands?
Nope, we call them boinga!
Do you use pots and pans?
Yup, we call them boinga!
We wear hats on our heads
Really? We wear boinga
Do you guys sleep in beds?
Nope, we sleep in boinga! Do your birds say boinga?
No, our birds say tweet
Do your flowers smell boinga?
No, they just smell sweet
Do you walk on your boinga?
No, we walk on our feet
Do you sit on your boinga?
No, we sit on our seat
You certainly use that word a lot
Well, it means a lot of things, so why not?
Is there anything boinga doesn't mean?
Well, maybe there is, but not that I've seen
Almost everything is boinga here!
We boinga all boinga long!
Almost everything is boinga here!
So we boinga this boinga song!
Boinga this boinga!
Boinga this boinga!
This boinga song!
Boinga this boinga!
Boinga this boinga!
Boinga, boinga, boinga!